Thursday, December 10, 2015

This needs to happen! *BONUS POST*

Hiya' sugar! Tricia here ready to talk until my jaw drops!
Okay, so I have been obsessing over Zelda lately, or more accurately, Ganondorf. Anyways, I have been reading and watching all these theories of the Zelda Games and who is the real villain and yada yada. Anyways, I gave it some thought and have come up with this idea and now I desperately want it.
So, in almost every game you start out as Link and are told to help the princess no questions asked. I don't know if this is because he can't talk or is so young he doesn't talk back. Either way, this shows he will do whatever he is told if someone is in danger, AKA Zelda. She is kidnapped or Hyrule is danger or something and he's like, yeah okay, I'll help.
This got me thinking. What if Ganon got him first and said that he needed help and that Hyrule was attacking him instead? Would Link help him? Or Ganon would have to send a desperate looking gerudo to lure Link into helping them. Then you the player would go on a quest of gaining everything for Ganon and destroying Zelda.
That would be cool! Sure, maybe later you find out Ganon is the bad guy, or whatever, but this time, Link is the villain! I'm pretty sure that Power and Courage would be able to be used together to defeat Wisdom and Zelda would lose. Then the sequel of the game or maybe the second part can be about Zelda telling you the truth, that Ganon is evil and that you have been tricked. That game, I would pay anything for.
And maybe, we might see what Ganon really wanted and that maybe he's sort of a good guy...maybe, but I have been watching/reading to many theories.
Yeah, I know that this has nothing to do with MARVEL or DC comics but I just needed to post this and maybe I'll do this again.
Next year, with all the movies and shows coming out, you can bet that I'll be posting loads of stuff that is about MARVEL and DC, so don't worry. I'll stay on track.
But just know that I might again post something that has nothing to do with what I had promised.
Just an FYI.
Okay, bye!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Defenders theory

Hiya' sugar! Tricia here ready to talk until my jaw drops!
Okay, so I know I'm a little late on this hype train but whatever! I'm gonna join.
So after finishing the Daredevil and Jessica Jones I've been unable to sit still waiting for the next series. Then I thought, how will they tie up?
No, they won't just meet at a coffee shop and decide, 'Hey? Let's make a team!'
After watching Jessica Jones we already ready know that her and Luke have a 'thing'. And we all know or should know that him and Danny Rand where together in the comic 'Hero for Hire', that lasted for 19 issues, so we already know that they have met. Hopefully. Unless Netflix changes that... Hopefully not. Whatever!
So that solves that problem of those people meeting. How will Daredevil join? Zip in to save Jessica? Ya, no.
I thought that Will Simpson looked familiar. Turns out *spoilers* that he is the Marvel villian, Nuke!
Yeah, his name is different in the comics, I'm pretty sure it's Frank Simpson but they probably changed that so that they wouldn't mix The Punisher, who is also named Frank with the Nuke.

Anyways, it turns out that he first shows up in Daredevil #232, as a villain. He is hired by, you guessed it, the Kingpin himself! Kingpin is going to hire Will Simpson to go after Daredevil, which will the alert Jessica or Trish Walker or who ever and they go after him and they meet up and the next thing you know, The Defenders!
I think, maybe. I hope I'm at least a little bit correct. I want them to meet up so badly!
And I can't wait for the Iron Fist Netflix series, which is going to happen! It won't be a movie or something like some people say. It's been confirmed and it will either show up next year after Luke Cage or in 2017. I can't wait.
Well, that's all for today, Tricia out!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hellboy 3 hype!

Hiya' sugar! Tricia here ready to talk until my jaw drops!
Lately I've been just posting random stuff that had nothing to do with what I had promised when I first joined. Let me explain.
I am apart of this class called 'blogging for fun', so those posts where just assignments, sorry.

 Anyways, back to business!
I have been so hyped for the newest MARVEL and DC movies that I completely forgot about one of my favorite hero's.
That's right, Hellboy. I haven't given up on him yet. Last night I was watching the Hellboy movies again and just couldn't stop my inner fangirl!
I started to look up on the internet last night instead of sleeping and was researching about the 3rd movie, shush it! It's gonna happen!

Ron Perlman said that he didn't have the same passion about playing as the character anymore which, made me die a little on the inside. Then I read something else. He and  Guillermo del Toro, the director of the Hellboy movies, had a dinner together apparently? Anyways, they ended up discussing the plot of the movie.
Guillermo said that he will make the movie if Pacific Rim 2 does well in the box office.
Ron Perlman said that two new people will join this upcoming film. Can you guess who they are? No?
Ugh, fine. Those two people are Hellboys kids! That's right! Remember in the ending of Hellboy 2: The golden army, Liz Sherman announced that she was pregnant with twins.
Ron Perlman said that one looks like the dad while the other looks like the mother.
Though no one knows if any studio is willing to pay them to make the movie.

I really want this movie to happen, so much! I can't wait until this movie is finally, I'll wait until I'm in my grave until it happens. I want this. They can't just tell us about the plot and encourage people and get our hopes up, and then not make it. I would crawl in the deepest, darkest corner of the earth and cry myself to death. I need this to happen I want Hellboy to go into his final form and destroy the earth. I want his children to save the day, and I damn well want some Abe Sapien! Yes, he is my favorite.

Well, that's all I have for now, until I re-watch a movie and die fangirling.
Well, Tricia out!

Friday, December 4, 2015

I'm not sorry

I just can't wait for the new Deadpool movie, that I just - can't even!!
Febuary 12th everyone, feb 12th.

Learn what I love!

Thor the dark world is one of my many favorite movies, but I have so many favorites I can't even.
Benedict Cumberbatch is one of my favorite actors, especially in the amazing show Sherlock, fourth season coming out next year!
Above is a clip of the great show Jessica Jones on Netflix. It is connected to Daredevil and the future MARVEL shows that are coming! It is so great, you should watch it.

  Winter is my most favorite season, I love the cold. No Frozen references plz.
I love cheesecake, I adore it. Chocolate cheesecake is my favorite, I just love it. #ME
l Omg, I love Mettaton so much. He is from a retro game called Undertale, which I'm pretty sure that you have heard of obviously.
He is just so fabulous!

Yeah, well I think I'm done here....