Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Defenders theory

Hiya' sugar! Tricia here ready to talk until my jaw drops!
Okay, so I know I'm a little late on this hype train but whatever! I'm gonna join.
So after finishing the Daredevil and Jessica Jones I've been unable to sit still waiting for the next series. Then I thought, how will they tie up?
No, they won't just meet at a coffee shop and decide, 'Hey? Let's make a team!'
After watching Jessica Jones we already ready know that her and Luke have a 'thing'. And we all know or should know that him and Danny Rand where together in the comic 'Hero for Hire', that lasted for 19 issues, so we already know that they have met. Hopefully. Unless Netflix changes that... Hopefully not. Whatever!
So that solves that problem of those people meeting. How will Daredevil join? Zip in to save Jessica? Ya, no.
I thought that Will Simpson looked familiar. Turns out *spoilers* that he is the Marvel villian, Nuke!
Yeah, his name is different in the comics, I'm pretty sure it's Frank Simpson but they probably changed that so that they wouldn't mix The Punisher, who is also named Frank with the Nuke.

Anyways, it turns out that he first shows up in Daredevil #232, as a villain. He is hired by, you guessed it, the Kingpin himself! Kingpin is going to hire Will Simpson to go after Daredevil, which will the alert Jessica or Trish Walker or who ever and they go after him and they meet up and the next thing you know, The Defenders!
I think, maybe. I hope I'm at least a little bit correct. I want them to meet up so badly!
And I can't wait for the Iron Fist Netflix series, which is going to happen! It won't be a movie or something like some people say. It's been confirmed and it will either show up next year after Luke Cage or in 2017. I can't wait.
Well, that's all for today, Tricia out!

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